
Fault list of DC module

Fault Name Trigger Criterion System PhenomenonScreening method
Bus overvoltageInternal bus or external bus voltage > 930V for 10ms
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage under the grid-tied > 930V for 2s
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage under the grid-tied > 920V for 10s
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage under the off-grid > 870V for 2s
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage under the off-grid > 860V for 10s
Warning ‘DC bus overvoltage', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. The actual battery voltage cannot be higher than the setting of float charge and topping charge voltage;

The topping charge voltage setting is much higher than the actual battery voltage
Bus undervoltageInternal bus or external bus voltage < topping charge voltage of the battery -325V for 10ms
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage < topping charge voltage of the battery -225V for 50ms
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage < topping charge voltage of the battery -65V for 500ms
OR Internal bus or external bus voltage < topping charge voltage of the battery -25V for 5s
Warning ‘DC bus undervoltage', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. AC startup mode, the Warning disappears automatically after the AC module is turned on, and the Warning is continuously displayed in the shutdown state;
DC startup mode, the actual battery voltage is much lower than the topping charge and float charge voltage setting;
The AC load power is much larger than the DC module power in the off-grid mode
Module current asymmetricWhen the total current >50A or the single-phase inductor current >17A, the judgment starts:
OR The difference between 3 times of single-phase inductance current and total current > 50A for 10s
OR The difference between the single-phase inductance current and the average value of the three-phase inductance current > 50A for 10s
Warning 'DC module current asymmetric', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off or manually clear the faultSet DC current <50A to run, and see if the three inductor currents are divided equally in the DC details;
Single-phase inductor current sampling problem;
Single-phase IGBT open circuit
Battery overvoltageThe internal or external DC voltage > 890V for 10ms
OR Internal DC or external DC voltage in battery mode> maximum topping charge voltage +68V for 100ms
OR Internal DC or external DC voltage in battery mode> maximum topping charge voltage +8V for 357ms
OR Internal DC or external DC voltage in PV mode > maximum topping charge voltage +118V for 100ms
OR Internal DC or external DC voltage in PV mode > maximum topping charge voltage +58V for 357ms
OR Internal DC or external DC voltage in DC source mode> maximum topping charge voltage +60V for 100ms
OR DC source mode internal DC or external DC voltage > maximum charging voltage for 357ms
Warning ‘DC battery overvoltage', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. BMS control battery disconnected during charging;
The actual battery voltage is higher than the topping charge and float charge voltage setting;
The DC voltage has a large fluctuation in the DC source mode;
PV voltage is too high in PV mode
Battery undervoltageThe internal DC or external DC voltage in battery mode < Battery EOD voltage for 357ms
OR The internal DC or external DC voltage in battery mode < Battery EOD voltage -150V for 100ms
OR The internal DC or external DC voltage in PV mode < Battery EOD voltage -50V for 357ms
OR The internal DC or external DC voltage in PV mode < Battery EOD voltage -200V for 100ms
OR The internal DC or external DC voltage in DC source mode < Given voltage -150V for 357ms
OR The internal DC or external DC voltage in DC source mode < Given voltage -300V for 100ms
Warning ‘DC battery undervoltage', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. The actual battery voltage is lower than the battery EOD voltage setting;
The DC load power is too high or the output voltage fluctuates greatly in the DC source mode. PV low voltage in PV mode
Battery undervoltage break trip lockedIn the battery mode, if there are 10 times of battery undervoltage occur within 1 hour, or the battery undervoltage continues for 1 hour, then the battery undervoltage Warning is locked and the DC breaker is tripped. Warning 'DC battery undervoltage', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, the DC breaker is tripped, and need to power off to clear the fault. If the actual battery voltage is lower than the battery EOD voltage setting, check why the battery undervoltage occurs repeatedly, or why the battery undervoltage for more than 1 hour;
Battery overcurrentSingle-phase inductor current >60A or battery current >180A or power >100K for 20ms
OR Battery current >170A or battery current > current limit +25A or power >80K for 2s
OR Battery current >160A or battery current > current limit +15A or power >73K for 20s
OR Battery current > current limit +5A for 60s
Warning 'DC battery overcurrent', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and the fault is automatically cleared after 3 minutes. AC overloaded under the off-grid;
DC load power is too high or DC output is shorted in DC source mode;
The IGBT short circuit
Battery overcurrent break trip lockedIf the battery overcurrent fault occurs three times within one hour, the battery overcurrent Warning will be locked and automatically cleared after 1 hour. Warning 'DC battery overcurrent', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and the fault is automatically cleared after 1 hour. The same reason as the battery overcurrent
Battery not connectedIn the battery mode, the battery voltage < 50V for 20ms. Warning ‘DC battery undervoltage', the DC module is stopped, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. Check if the battery is reversed;
Whether the battery is not connected
24V power faultThe auxiliary power supply 24V appears overvoltage or undervoltage, hardware signal. Warning ‘DC 24V power fault', the DC module is stopped, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. Replace the module
15V power faultThe auxiliary power supply 15V appears overvoltage or undervoltage, hardware signal. Warning ‘DC 15V power fault', the DC module is stopped, and automatically clear after the fault is recovered. Replace the module
Emergency stopEmergency stop button action, hardware signalWarning 'DC emergency stop', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off or manually clear the fault. Manually operate the emergency stop button;
Check if the emergency stop button signal is disturbed and is triggered;
If there is only a single DC Warning emergency shutdown, it may be the internal hardware problem of the DC
Module over temperatureIGBT temperature > 85 degrees for 1s. Warning 'DC module over temperature', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and automatically cleared after the temperature drops for 5 minutes. The ambient temperature is too high;
The rack air duct is blocked and the ventilation is not good;
Module fan problem, rack fan problem
Module over temperature break tripIGBT temperature > 90 degrees for 500ms. Warning 'DC module over temperature', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, the DC breaker is tripped, and automatically cleared after the temperature drops for 100s. The ambient temperature is too high;
The rack air duct is blocked and the ventilation is not good;
Module fan problem, rack fan problem
Fan faultWhen controlling the fan to start , the fan can't work normally, and the processing fan's fault hardware signalWarning 'DC fan fault', the DC module is stopped, and need to power off to clear the fault. Block rotation of module fans or non-rotation of individual fans;
Module fan speed is abnormal
Battery relay open circuitWhen the main relay on the DC side is closed, the internal and external DC voltage difference >20V for 200ms. Warning 'DC battery relay open circuit', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. The DC side main relay is open circuit damaged;
The internal and external DC voltages are not calibrated well, and the voltage difference is too large, resulting in false Warnings;
There is a large fluctuation in the DC side voltage, resulting in false positives
Battery relay short circuitBoth the main relay and the pre-charge pre-charge relay on the DC side are disconnected, and when the internal and external DC voltage >90V, the internal and external DC voltage difference <15V for 80sWarning 'DC battery relay short circuit', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. Adhesion of main relay on DC side;
Adhesion of soft-start relay on DC side
Bus relay open circuitWhen the main relay on the BUS side is closed, the internal and external BUS voltage difference >30V for 200ms. Warning 'DC bus relay open circuit', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. The bus side main relay is open circuit damaged;
The internal and external bus voltages are not well calibrated, and the voltage difference is too large, resulting in false Warnings;
There is a large fluctuation in the voltage on the bus side, resulting in false Warnings
Bus relay short circuitBoth the main relay and the pre-charge pre-charge relay on the BUS side are disconnected, and when the internal and external BUS voltage >120V, the internal and external DC voltage difference <15V for 80sWarning 'DC bus relay short circuit', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. Adhesion of main relay on bus side;
Adhesion of pre-charge pre-charge relay on bus side
Calibration parameters abnormalThere are analog quantities that are not calibratedThe Warning 'DC calibration parameters abnormal'does not affect the power on, and can be cleared after power-on after calibration. Eliminate after calibrating analog quantity;
Monitoring setup fault Monitoring failed to complete the power-on initialization setting parameters Warning 'DC monitoring setup fault', the DC module is stopped, and the fault is cleared after the monitoring completes the initialization parameter setting. CANA communication channel is seriously disturbed;
CANA bus matching resistor is not equal to 60Ω;
The DC does not match the monitoring software version
Battery pre-charge pre-charge faultThe internal and external DC voltage difference is inconsistent for 120s when starting from the DC side, and The bus voltage cannot reach the target value for 90s when starting from the DC side.
OR The internal and external DC voltage difference is inconsistent for 120s when starting from the BUS side
Warning 'DC battery pre-charge pre-charge fault', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. DC side pre-charge pre-charge relay open circuit damage;
The pre-charge pre-charge resistor of DC side is damaged;
IGBT open circuit or auxiliary power supply problems
Bus pre-charge pre-charge faultThe internal and external DC voltage difference is inconsistent for 120s when starting from the BUS side
OR Bus pre-charge pre-charge relay is closed when starting from the DC side, the external bus voltage <120V for 3s
Warning 'DC bus pre-charge pre-charge fault', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and need to power off to clear the fault. Open circuit damage of pre-charge pre-charge relay on bus side;
pre-charge Pre-charge resistor on bus side is damaged
CANA communication faultUnable to communicate with monitor successfully, unable to receive monitor life frame for 10sWarning 'DC CAN A communication fault', the DC module is stopped, and it is automatically cleared after successful communication with the monitor. CAN A communication channel is seriously disturbed;
CAN A bus matching resistor is not equal to 60Ω;
The DC does not match the monitoring software version
CANB communication faultThe number of CAN A online is not equal to the number of CAN B online for 8s. Warning 'DC CAN B communication fault', the DC module is stopped, and it is automatically cleared after successful communication with other modules. CAN B communication channel is seriously disturbed;
CAN B bus matching resistor is not equal to 60Ω;
The DC does not match the monitoring software version
U2 communication fault 1CAN A cannot communicate with U2 board for 1minWarning 'DC U2 communication fault 1' does not affect the booting, and it is automatically cleared after successful communication with U2 board. CAN A communication channel is seriously disturbed;
CAN A bus matching resistor is not equal to 60Ω;
The DC does not match the monitoring software version;
U2 board has no burning program or U2CAN A damage
DSP version faultError reading Bootloader versionWarning 'DC DSP version fault', the DC module is stopped, and the fault is cleared after re-burning the program. Bootloader burning error;
Bootloader and DC software version do not match
CPLD version faultError reading CPLD versionWarning 'DC CPLD version fault', the DC module is stopped, and the fault is cleared after re-burning the program. CPLD burning error;
CPLD and DC software version do not match
Subsystem conflict faultIf the float charge voltage setting is higher than the topping charge voltage, the fault will occur
OR If the topping charge voltage setting is higher than the allowable range of the model, the fault will occur.\\In the photovoltaic bus mode, if the DC access type is set to non-battery, the fault will occur.
Warning 'DC subsystem conflict fault', the DC module is stopped, and the fault is cleared after the setting is correct. The topping charge and float charge voltage settings are incorrect;
The microgrid type setting does not match the DC access type
Microgrid photovoltaic energy is lowWhen the actual voltage of the battery branch < the battery EOD voltage +5V or 20V (the grid-tied is separated from the off-grid), the battery branch will stop and give an Warning after the photovoltaic enters the dormant state. Warning 'DC photovoltaic battery low energy', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and the fault is automatically cleared after the PV wakes up. Check whether the actual battery voltage is too close to the EOD voltage;
Whether the pv is not power on
Microgrid battery has low energyWhen the actual voltage of the battery branch <the battery EOD voltage +5V or 20V (the grid-tied is separated from the off-grid), the DC source branch will shutdown and give an Warning. Warning 'DC micro-grid battery energy is low', the DC module is stopped, triggering DC fault record, and the battery voltage rises to EOD+(Vtopping charge-Veod)/2 or more after the battery branch is running, the fault is automatically cleared. Check whether the actual battery voltage is too close to the EOD voltage;
The battery should be charged at low voltage and no discharge is allowed
Same module number faultWithin the same frame, the DC module has the same numberWarning 'DC same module number fault', the DC module is stopped, and the fault is cleared after the duplicate is corrected and then re-powered. Check whether the DC module has duplicate numbers in the same frame
  • manual/module-based/fault_list_of_dc_module.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/16 22:16
  • (external edit)