
Select DC dispatch or AC dispatch

Sinexcel PCS supports DC dispatch and AC dispatch

An inverter is a bi-port network, it has two ports, DC and AC. In theory, the AC power equals to DC power, if there's no self consumption.

But actually, there is an efficiency issue. We have the following equtions

In Charging $$P_{DC}=P_{AC}\times \eta _{charge}$$ In Discharging $$P_{AC}=P_{DC}\times \eta _{discharge}$$

Once one of $P_{DC}$ and $P_{AC}$ is designated, the other one is determined.

Depending on the designated port, there is AC dispatching mode and DC dispatching mode

In AC dispatch mode,

You can

  • designate AC active power (total, but NOT each string for multi-string version)
  • designate AC reactive power
  • activate PF-P, Volt-VAr, Freq-Watt, Volt-Watt

You can NOT

  • designate DC power
  • designate DC current

String dispatch mode is kind of AC dispatching for multi-string PCS,

You can

  • designate AC active power of each string for multi-string version, but NOT total power
  • designate AC reactive power in total (total, but not each string for multi-string version)
  • activate PF-P, Volt-VAr, Freq-Watt, Volt-Watt

You can NOT

  • designate DC power
  • nor designate DC current

In DC dispatch mode,

You can

  • designate DC power but not DC current (of each string for multi-string version)
  • or designate DC current but not DC power (of each string for multi-string version)

You can NOT

  • designate AC active power
  • designate AC reactive power
  • activate PF-P, Volt-VAr, Freq-Watt, Volt-Watt
  • how_to/dc_dispatch_and_ac_dispatch.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/09/16 21:42
  • (external edit)