Table of Contents

Settings on the HMI

HMI settings

System RTC

To set the real time clock


Starting method

Energy dispatching mode

there are 2 options

Refer to DC dispatch and AC dispatch for more information

In most applications, select AC dispatch.

For multi-string models, select String dispatch.

rarely, DC dispatch is supposed to be selected.


This menu contains all parameters that affects the performance of the AC side of the PCS. Note that depending on the mode selected, the AC side parameters may not take effect, or may not be settable

Reactive power regulation mode

There are 3 modes supported in regulating reactive power

PF setpoint

This setpoint will take effect ONLY when Reactive power regulation mode is set to Constant PF

Active power setpoint

To regulate the importing and exporting active power of the PCS, MUST be the most important setpoint in PCS

Rective power setpoint

This setpoint will take effect ONLY when Reactive power regulation mode is set to Constant reactive power

Smart Inverter function - Normal ramp rate (RR)

If Power change mode is set to ramp, in normal operation, the power setpoint changes, the actual import/export power will slowly change with this slope setpoint.

Smart Inverter function - Soft-Start ramp rate (SS)

AKA Connect/Reconnect Ramp-up rate Upon starting to inject power into the grid, following a period of inactivity or a disconnection, the inverter will be able to control its rate of increase of power from 1 to 100% maximum current per second.

Smart Inverter function - Grid reconnect delay

Following a trip, the Smart Inverter must delay re-energization or reconnection for a preset period of time once the voltage and frequency of the grid are within normal ranges.

Off-grid voltage regulation

This setpoint will tune the off-grid voltage within the range of ±10% of the the rated AC voltage.

Active power regulation mode

there are 4 modes supported in regulating active power

Power change mode

there are 2 modes

Smart Inverter function - F/VRT

Disable or enable F/VRT (Frequency Ride-through and Voltage Ride-through) functions

Smart Inverter function - Anti-islanding

By enabling this option, the anti-islanding function will be activated

Off-grid power starting

There are 2 options


This menu contains all parameters that affects the performance of the DC side of the PCS. Note that depending on the mode selected, the DC side parameters may not take effect, or may not be settable


The Sinexcel PCS are classed with different types

We call each string subsystem.

DC operation mode

there are 2 modes in this option

both of the two options take effect ONLY when Energy dispatching mode is set to DC dispatch

Dis-/charge current setpoint

The PCS will import/export the power at DC side, according to this setpoint This setpoint takes effect ONLY when Energy dispatching mode is set to DC dispatch, and DC operation mode is set to Constant current

Dis-/charge power setpoint

The PCS will import/export the power at DC side, according to this setpoint This setpoint takes effect ONLY when Energy dispatching mode is set to DC dispatch, and DC operation mode is set to Constant power

Lower limit voltage of battery

This is the secondary under-voltage criterion. If the voltage reaches this threshold, it's critical for the ESS. the EMS must consider charging the battery at this moment.

Usually this threshold should be set 5~10V lower than end of discharge voltage

Float charge voltage

A legacy setpoint for lead-acid battery. If you are using lithium-ion battery, this setpoint MUST be the same as topping charge voltage

Topping charge voltage

refer to this article battery_dis-_charge_sequence

For lithium ion batteries, the PCS will stop charging the battery when the DC voltage reaches topping charge voltage, AND the DC current reduces to end of charge current

Max. charge current (DC)

The battery charging current (DC) will never be more than this threshold

Max. discharge current (DC)

The battery discharging current (DC) will never be more than this threshold

Start of discharge voltage

End of discharge voltage

If the PCS is discharging, once the voltage reaches this criteria, the PCS will stop and refuse to discharge.

Precharge voltage (legacy)

A legacy setpoint for lead-acid battery. If you are using lithium-ion battery, ignore this option

Precharge time (legacy)

Another legacy setpoint for lead-acid battery. If you are using lithium-ion battery, ignore this option

End of charge current

When the battery is charged as the voltage is almost reaching topping charge voltage, the current will reduce. Once the current drops to this threshold, the PCS will stop charging the battery.
