====== Manual Operation ====== ===== Meeting the HMI ===== graph LR; A[Loading]---B[home] B---C[main menu] C---CA[home] C---CB[energy] CB---CBA[AC] CB---CBB[Battery] CB---CBC[Graph] C---CC[status] CC---CCA[Warnings] CC---CCB[Historical Warnings] CC---CCC[Logs] C---CD[controls] CD---CDA[Start and shutdown control] CD---CDB[grid connectivity control] CD---CDC[power control] C---CE[settings] CE---CEA[battery] CE---CEB[HMI] CE---CEC[Debug] CE---CED[Hardware] C---CF[about] ===== Loading ===== After system startup, it will automatically jump to home page. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image147_hmi_loading.jpg|}} ===== Home ===== After HMI initialization, it enters Home page. Users can review system AC and DC voltage, AC and DC current, system charging and discharging and operation state. In this page, the arrow direction for power grid, inverter and battery connecting cable is a reference direction of electric energy flowing. The default direction of the system is that the power grid charges battery through inverter. Click any icon of power grid, inverter and battery to enter main menu interface. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image148_home.jpg|}} If a red dot appears at the top right corner of the icon of the inverter, it indicates that there is warning or fault at present. ===== Main menu ===== The main menu of the system has 6 icons: Home, Energy, Status, Controls, Settings and About * Home is used to return to the home page; * Energy is used to read power and temperature in the inverter; * Status is used to read fault information and operation record; * Control is used to control grid-tied or off-grid of inverter, startup, shutdown and output setting; * Setting is used to set various system parameters and debugging; * About shows the information of the inverter. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image150_main_menu.jpg|}} ===== Energy ===== Click **Energy** in the main interface to enter the display of energy. Users can read AC, Battery, PV, Switches and Graph information ==== AC information ==== Click **Energy** to enter the display of AC information (or click AC in the left side to enter), **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page up or down, click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. AC information is shown in the following table ^Item ^Identifier ^Description ^Unit^ |Voltage |Uab, Ubc and Uca |Line voltage of AC output port of inverter |V| |Current |Ia, Ib and Ic |Line current of AC output port of inverter |A| |Active power |P |Active power of AC of inverter |kW| |Reactive power |Q |Reactive power of AC of inverter |kVar| |Apparent power |S |Apparent power of AC of inverter |kVA| |Frequency |f |Voltage frequency of AC output port of inverter |Hz| |Power factor |PF |Voltage and current power factor of AC output port of inverter |1| |Temperature |T |AC power module temperature of inverter |℃| {{:manual:pws2-30k:image152_energy_ac_1.jpg|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:image153_energy_ac_2.jpg|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:image154_energy_ac_3.jpg|}} ==== Battery information ==== Click **Batt.** in the left side to enter, **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page up or down, click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. ^Battery information^Item ^Identifier ^Description ^Unit ^ |Power |P |Real-time power of battery charging and discharging |kW| |Voltage |U |Voltage of DC output port of inverter |V| |Current |I |Charging and discharging current of inverter |A| |Charging quantity |CHGD |Accumulated charging quantity of battery |kW*h| |Discharging quantity |DCHGD |Accumulated discharging quantity of battery |kW*h| |Temperature |T |DC power module temperature of inverter ℃| {{:manual:pws2-30k:image155_energy_battery_1.jpg|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:image156_energy_battery_2.jpg|}} ==== Graph display ==== Click **Graph** in the left side to enter the graph display. This interface can display the curve for charging and discharging power of inverter in current day. click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image157_energy_graph.jpg|}} ===== Records ===== Click **Status** in the main interface to search current warning, historical warning and logs. Click Status to enter the current warning interface. As for other interfaces in this function, click Warnings to enter. This interface includes three columns: “number”, “message” and “time”. Click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page up or down, click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image158_status_warning.jpg|}} Click **Historical Warnings** to enter the historical warning interface. This interface includes three columns: “number”, “message” and “time end of warning”. Click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page up or down, click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image159_status_historical.jpg|}} If the inverter is restarted or shut down due to power failure, the warning will still exist. After being powered on, the end time of warning will be expressed as “--/--/--”. Click **Logs** to enter the operation logs interface. This interface includes three columns: “number”, “message” and “Time before-after”. Click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page up or down, click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu . {{:manual:pws2-30k:image160_status_log.jpg|}} ===== Control parameter ===== Click **Controls** to enter the control interface of convert operation state. This interface includes grid-tied and off-grid control, startup and shutdown control and output power setting. Click **Controls** to enter “startup and shutdown” operation interface to manually start and shut down the inverter. This interface includes Clear Faults button which used to clear some fault signals which must be cleared manually. After parameter setting is completed and startup conditions are met, the inverter can be started and shut down by ON and OFF buttons. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image161_control_start_stop.jpg|}} Click **>** under the interface to turn page up to enter the inverter grid-tied and off-grid control interface. PWS2-30K-NA energy storage inverter can operate in grid-tied mode and off-grid mode. During grid-tied operation, close the isolator S2 in AC and the breaker D3 (the breaker between the inverter and the power grid.), and set the energy storage inverter in grid-tied mode through the operation interface. During off-grid operation, close the isolator S2 in AC and the AC breaker D3, turn off the AC breaker of intelligent power distribution cabinet, and set the energy storage inverter into off-grid mode. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image162_control_connectivity.jpg|}} Click **>** under the interface to turn page down (or click **<** in “startup and shutdown” interface) to return the operation interface of “output power”. Output power can be controlled manually. Control page of electric power parameters ^Item ^Identifier ^Application scenarios ^Description^ |Output voltage amplitude regulation |Vol. Regulation |Off-grid mode| Regulate the output voltage amplitude in off-grid mode. Regulated range ±10%| |Output voltage frequency regulation |Freq. Regulation |Off-grid mode|Regulate the output voltage frequency in off-grid mode. Regulated range ±1Hz| |Active power regulation |Active Power |Grid-tied mode |Regulate the active power of AC in grid-tied mode. Regulated range ±30kW| |Reactive power regulation |Reactive Power |Grid-tied mode |Regulate the reactive power of AC in grid-tied mode. Regulated range ±30kVar| When the dispatched apparent power exceeds 30kVA, the output of active power will be restricted by reactive power, and the system will give priority to reactive output. When the parameter Active Power is set as a POSITIVE value, the PCS runs as battery charger. When the parameter Active Power is set as a NEGATIVE value, the PCS runs as inverter, discharges battery. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image164_control_regulation.jpg|}} ===== Settings ===== Click **Settings** to enter the system operation parameter setting which includes Battery, HMI, Debug and Hardware parameter setting. Password is required when entering parameter setting. The initial password is 123456 ==== battery parameters ==== Click **Battery** to enter battery charging and discharging parameter setting. Click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page down, and click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image166_setting_battery.jpg|}} Content of battery parameters setting ^Item ^Identifier ^Description^ |Trickle charging voltage |Float Charging Voltage |Set as per to battery manufacturer's recommendation.| |Constant voltage charging voltage |Equal Charging Voltage |Set as per to battery manufacturer's recommendation.| |Lower limit of discharging voltage protection |Lower Limit of Protection Voltage |It is final discharging voltage. When the battery discharging is up to this limit, the system module will stop operating and the battery stops discharging.| |Upper limit of discharging voltage protection |Upper Limit of Protection Voltage |It is final charging voltage. When the battery charging is up to this limit, the system module will stop operating and the battery stops charging. | |Current from slow CHG to float CHG |Current From Slow CHG to Float CHG |Set as per to battery manufacturer's recommendation.| |Max. charging current |Max Charging Current |Set as per to manufacturer's recommendation. The maximum current shall not exceed 90A.| |Max. discharging current |Max Discharging Current |Set as per to manufacturer's recommendation. The maximum current shall not exceed 90A.| The values shall be set to the following inequations $$Lower Limit of Protection Voltage ≤ Float Charging Voltage ≤ Equal Charging Voltage ≤ Upper Limit of Protection Voltage$$ $$Current From Slow CHG to Float CHG ≤ Max Charging Current$$ ==== HMI parameters ==== Click **HMI** to enter monitoring parameter setting. Click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page down, and click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image169_setting_hmi_1.jpg|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:image170_setting_hmi_2.jpg|}} Content of HMI parameters setting ^Item ^Identifier ^Description^ |IP address |IP Address |Internet protocol address for PWS2-30K-NA in networking| |Subnet mask |Subnet Mask |Default:| |Default gateway |Gateway |Default:| |Modbus address |Modbus Ad |ID address of PWS2-30K-NA in Modbus communication; range: 1~255| |Baud rate |Baud Rate |Set RS-485 communication baud rate, set as 9600 and 19200, system default: 9600| |EMS communication |EMS Channel |Set EMS communication as Ethernet or RS-485. Default: RS-485. |EMS comm timeout |EMS Timeout |If PCS receives no communication frames within such period, it will shut down. Can be set as 0~32767s, 0 stands for infinity.| |Remote EPO |EPO |Enable/Disable remote EPO function. Default Disabled.| |Controlling mode |CtrMode |Remote control or manual control| |Modify password |Password |Users modify password as per their own requirements.| |System time |Time Set display time of inverter panel| |Change language |Language |Change the language type of HMI| |Clear data |Clear data |Clear fault data and operation records| |Save factory settings |Save factory settings to flash memory |Users’ operation is prohibited.| |Restore factory settings |Restore factory settings |Restore parameter setting to initial state.| CAUTION\\ When password is modified, the password length of the inverter is limited to be 8 digits. If users cannot retrieve or forget their passwords after modification, please contact our service personnel to retrieve their passwords. Before clicking **clear data**, please consult Sinexcel service. After clicking *restore factory settings*, the inverter should be manually reboot again. Think twice before do. When control mode is set as remote, all manual controls are disabled. When control mode is set as manual, all remote controls are disabled. ==== Debug interface ==== Click **Debug** to enter debugging interface, and click **<** and **>** under the interface to turn page down, and click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. WARNING\\ This debugging interface is used by Sinexcel electrical maintenance engineer when checking machine operation state or fault. Users cannot conduct any operation. Any loss arising from customers’ modifying the parameters in this interface will be undertaken by customers. ==== Hardware parameters ==== Click **Hardware** to enter hardware parameter setting, and click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. This interface includes output voltage grade, output frequency grade, output voltage system, and module power rating. WARNING Users can review hardware information in this interface, but they cannot set the parameters. Any loss arising from customers’ modifying the parameters in this interface will be undertaken by customers. ==== Inverter information ==== Click **About** to enter the inverter information interface. click {{:manual:pws2-30k:image151_return.png|}} to return the main menu. This interface includes inverter serial number, MAC address, software build number, grid status and the rated power of the inverter. {{:manual:pws2-30k:image175_about.jpg|}}