==== Check parameters on the screen ==== Monitoring screen can not be operated, it is a display only. It shows the basic information of the PCS dynamically. \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00001.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00002.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00003.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00004.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00005.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00006.png?400|}} \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:00007.png?400|}} \\ ^CODE. ^ALARM^ |0 |AC overvoltage | |1 |AC undervolatge | |2 |AC overfrequency | |3 |AC underfrequency | |4 |Grid volatge imbalance | |5 |AC phase reversed | |6 |Inverter island protection | |7 |Grid-connected & off-grid switch error | |8 |Ground fault | |9 |Grid Phase lock fault | |A |Internal ambient over-temperature | |B |Grid detection timeout | |10 |Emergency power off | |11 |Monitoring parameter setting failure | |12 |DSP version failure | |13 |CPLD version failure | |14 |Hardware version failure | |15 |CAN communication failure | |16 |Auxiliary power failure | |17 |Fan failure | |18 |Bus voltage overvoltage | |19 |Bus voltage undervoltage | |1A |Bus voltage imbalance | |1C |AC relay short circuit | |1D |Output voltage abnormal | |1E |Output current imbalance | |1F |Radiator over temperature | |20 |Output overload timeout | |21 |Grid overvolatge sustained | |22 |AC soft start failed | |23 |Inverter start failed | |24 |AC relay open circuit | |25 |U2 communication fail | |26 |DC compnent of AC excess | |27 |Master-slave sampling abnormal | |28 |EE Read error 1 | |29 |EE Read error 2 | |2A |EE Read error 3 | |2B |Inverter overload | |2C |DC parameter contradictory | |38 |DC overvolatge | |39 |DC undervolatge | |3A |DC ground fault | |3B |BMS failure | |3C |BMS connection timeout | |3D |EMS connection timeout | |40 |DC soft start failure | |41 |DC relay short circuit | |42 |DC relay open circuit | |43 |DC power overload timeout | |44 |Bus soft start failure | |45 |DC quick check overcurrent | |48 |DC current overcurrent | |90 |parameter setting error | |91 |low energy in the off-grid state | |92 |Neutral line not connected | |93 |High bus volatge in standby mode | |95 |Frequency change rate excess | |96 |Rapid change in grid phase angle | ==== Debugging with MODBUS ==== Before debugging, you need to download the Modbus software and get the communication protocol of the PCS. Usually, software and protocols should be provided by the manufacturer. Here are the steps. 1. Connection\\ 1) The default communication method of the machine is Ethernet. So you need to connect with a network cable. One end of the network cable is connected to the Ethernet port of PCS, and the other end is connected to the computer. If the communication method is changed to RS485, you need to connect the controller and inverter with shielded twisted pair. One end of the line is connected to the RS485 port of the inverter, and the other end is connected to the RS485 interface in the controller {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-1-1.png?400|}} 2) If you are using Ethernet communication, please change the IP address of the computer to the same network segment as the PCS. 3) Open the executive file in the Modbus Poll folder {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-1-2.png?400|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-1-3.png?400|}} 2. Parameter examine and setting \\ This part is based on the protocol of the inverter. Here are some of the variable settings that are often used. The rest of the variables are set in the same way.\\ 1) Change the communication method (The register address is 325) \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-2-1.png?600|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-2-2.png?400|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-2-3.png?400|}} {{:manual:pws2-30k:2-2-4.png?400|}}\\ The method of setting is the same, and we will not introduce it below. The following variables are mainly describe the points that need attention. \\ 2) Start up & Shut down (The register address is 650 & 651)\\ 650: Start up 0: false 1: true;\\ 651: Shut down 0: false 1: true.\\ The start up and shut down commands can be sent once, and do not need to be sent repeatedly\\ 3) Set active power (The register address is 135)\\ This value has a magnification, please pay attention when setting. When you want the PCS to run 10 kW, you need to set 100 kW. Because the magnification is 10.\\ 4) Set DC protection parameters (The register address is 808--814)\\ 808: Float charging voltage;\\ 809: Slow charging voltage;\\ 810: Current from slow charging to float charging;\\ 811: Max charging current;\\ 812: Max discharging current;\\ 813: Lower voltage limit of battery protection;\\ 814: Upper voltage limit of battery protection.\\ These variables are also with magnification, so you need to be careful when setting.\\ 5) Off-grid & On-grid setting (The register address is 653 & 654)\\ 653: Start up 0: false 1: true;\\ 654: Shut down 0: false 1: true.\\ When the grid side is still connected, the off-grid command cannot be sent, or disconnect the grid after sending. Off-grid requires the grid to be truly disconnected, and the on-grid needs a true connection of the grid. This is the basic principle.\\ 6) Baud rate change for RS485 communication(The register address is 320)\\ 0: 19200, 1: 9600, take effect after hard reset.\\ ==== Software upgrade ==== When upgrading, it can only be done in Ethernet communication mode, so if you are using RS485 communication mode, you need to change the communication mode to Ethernet communication mode before upgrading. For the change method, please refer to part 2—2—a).\\ Preparation: Connect the PC to the PCS Ethernet port with a network cable. And power up the PCS.\\ 1. Open the executive file in the Upgrade Tool folder. The tool will set the IP of this PC as the default server IP. The subnet mask of the PC and the PCS-to-update should be the same, and the IP of the PC and the PCS should be in a same segment of network. You can change the LAN IP of the PC and server IP if necessary, then click establish server. (Please do record the server IP in case of update failed, **and disable the Wi-Fi of the PC before updating operation**)\\ 2. Input the IP of the PCS-to-update to the tool, and input the updating password:** IAP888888**, then click send password. The HMI will enter updating page, and then the updating MUST BE continued and completed, otherwise the HMI will NOT return functional. If multiple PCS are to be updated, repeat this step.\\ 3. Click Choose firmware, then choose the update file. Click UPDATE NOW.\\ 4. Wait for the completion of updating. The HMI will reboot and enter home page after updating completed. Power off and power up the PCS shall be implemented to apply the new firmware. \\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:3-1-1.png?600|}} ==== Download record ==== When downloading records, it needs to be done under the Ethernet communication mode. If it is the RS485 communication method, please change the communication mode to Ethernet first, and change the communication mode back after the download is completed.\\ 1. Open the executive file in the Download Records Tool folder. Input IP address of the PCS, click Connect to connect the PCS.\\ 2. Select 07 in the drop-down menu of the Function.\\ 3. Click Analog Record, Fault Record, Alarm Record, Operate Record in order to download analog quantity, fault record, historical alarm, operation record of the inverter.\\ 4. The downloaded file is automatically saved to the PCS30 folder in the C drive of the computer. The recordings of these data are very important for on-site analysis of problems.\\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:4-1-1.png?600|}} ==== Detail status information view ==== You can check information through Modbus, but it is more convenient and intuitive that viewing detail status information through the monitoring APP(PCS30mon). You need to change the communication method to Ethernet before connection if the communication is RS485. Prepare a network cable.\\ 1. Open the executive file in the Monitor APP (PCS30mon) folder. Input IP address of PCS to 服务器 IP , then click 连接 to connect the PCS. In the left column you can see the PCS AC parameters change in real time. DC and diagnostic parameters in the second column, the last column shows the current alarms and faults.\\ 2. This monitoring app is in Chinese, here is the corresponding English explanation list.\\ {{:manual:pws2-30k:5-1.png?600|}}\\ PCS30mon ^AC parameters ^Amplitude ^ DC and diagnostic parameters ^ Amplitude ^ Alarms and Faults ^ | AC A-B RMS volatge*10 | | DC power*100 | | | | AC B-C RMS volatge*10 | | DC voltage*10 | | | | AC C-A RMS volatge*10 | | DC current*10 | | | | AC phA RMS volatge*10 | | DC charge energy*1 | | | | AC phB RMS volatge*10 | | DC discharge energy*1 | | | | AC phC RMS volatge*10 | | Temperature of DC heat sink*1 | | | | AC frequency*100 | | Address 1 content*1 | | | | AC phA Real Power*100 | | | | | | AC phB Real Power*100 | | | | | | AC phC Real Power*100 | | | | | | AC phA Reactive Power*100 | | | | | | AC phB Reactive Power*100 | | | | | | AC phC Reactive Power*100 | | | | | | AC phA Apparent Power*100 | | | | | | AC phB Apparent Power*100 | | | | | | AC phC Apparent Power*100 | | | | | | AC phA Power Factor*100 | | | | | | AC phB Power Factor*100 | | | | | | AC phC Power Factor*100 | | | | | | AC Real Power*100 | | | | | | AC Reactive Power*100 | | | | | | AC Apparent Power*100 | | | | | | AC Power Factor*100 | | | | | | AC active discharged energy*1 | | | | | | AC active charged energy*1 | | | | | | Reactive energy*1 | | | | | | Temperature of AC heat sink*1 | | | | | | BUS+ side volatge*10 | | | | | | BUS- side volatge*10 | | | | | | Target active power*10 | | | | | | Target reactive power*10 | | | | | | Target off-grid volatge bias*100 | | | | | | Target off-grid frequency bias*10| | | | |